On this page, we gather the most important information about the launch of the Manabi beta test. If you get stuck, please browse through the information here and if you can’t find the solution to your problem, please contact us at one of our contact points!

How can I register as a provider?

How can I register as a guest?

I found a bug, I’m stuck, please help!

How can I register as a service provider?

Go to app.manabi.hu and register. After successful registration, the system will not allow you to use the interface until you create your salon/service. You will then need to add your services and colleagues.

Once ready, your Manabi account is ready to receive guests. Share your unique code with them, which they will be able to enter in the Manabi app so they can book an appointment directly with you.

You can easily manage your bookings from the Manabi Admin app.

How do I register as a guest?

Download the Manabi app from here. After downloading the app, enter your details and the code you received from your provider and you’re done!

I found a bug, I’m stuck, please help!

If you encounter any errors or simply need help, please contact us at support@icoders.co or send us a message via the chat, which you can also find on this page. From the guest or admin application you can also access the bug report form with one click, you can also write to us there.